Hunting is Fun
Who ever said hunting has to be so damn serious all the time?
We take hunting seriously, without question. Whether it’s becoming skilled with our weapons, going into the field confidently and safely, or having the utmost respect for wildlife and hunting ethics, there is much to be taken seriously about hunting. With that said, it’s also a hell of a lot of fun.
Granted, it’s not always fun. Hunting can be frustrating to the point that it just about breaks your spirit, and just about anything can go sideways in the mountains. At the end of the day — through all the frustration, failure, nasty weather and absolute boondoggles — it’s important to remember you’re supposed to be having fun.
The best hunting buddies always lift team morale in good times and bad. When you’re beat down, bleary-eyed, stir-crazy, cold, exhausted, delirious, and downright desperate, a little horseplay and humor can go a long way to buoy spirits and quicken resolve.
Here’s to those buddies and to all the laughter and smiles that always make a good hunt great.
From left to right, Stone Glacier Warehouse Manager Chris Lawerence, Logistics & Operations Manager Matt Lacko, and Guide/Outfitter Coordinator and Customer Service Representative Ryan D’Agostino on a late-season deer hunt on the prairie.
Photo: Sam Averett
“By the time we got the wall tent set up, it was midnight. By the time we had a couple beers, it was 2 a.m. Then it was 4 a.m. Sunrise came early that morning, but we still got after it and got a few deer. Watching my buddies succeed is always my favorite part of the hunt.” -Phil Churchill, SG Military/Government Sales
Isaac Orth taking his role as spotter a little too seriously. "Impact!"
Photo: Sam Averett
“We sat on our sacks for three days in Alaska, waiting for a break in the wind and rain to fly into our camp. Spirits were still high with anticipation, but punchy doesn’t begin to do justice to what our mental states were. Closer to delirious, we eventually decided ‘Let’s go check our guns.” -Isaac Orth

A rare sighting of the Prairie Luchadore, AKA Ryan D’Agostino. “Beneath the clothes, we find a man. And beneath the man, we find his...nucleus.” -Nacho
Photo: Sam Averett
When they’re not roommates, Zack Boughton and Logan Summers can be found enjoying long drives in the Murderburban and adventurous stomps in the great out of doors.
Photo: Philip Vaughan
Stone Glacier’s Taylor D’Agostino on a high-country Colorado neature walk. “You can tell it’s an aspen tree because of the way that it is. How neat is that?” -Lenny Pepperbottom
Photo: Colby Adamek
Buck Reese demonstrates a good old-fashioned mountain game face.
Photo: Zack BoughtonSloane Brown staying down to earth in the sideways rain on Kodiak Island.
Photo: Sam Averett
Mess with the bull, get the horns. Mess with Jed Wood, bucks get got.
Photo: Philip Vaughan