Building A Comp Gun - Part 2 The Build
Author / Zack Boughton, SG CONTENT DIRECTOR
In Part 1 of this series we discussed component selection for a new gun build. If you haven't read that and would like to you can click HERE and read it.

Now that all of my components are here it's time to take the plunge and get this gun built. I filmed the process so below is a very quick synopsis and then the video below, which will show you the entire build.
Each build is different but some of the main tools needed in this build are a barrel vise, an action wrench, torque wrench, go and no-go gauges, a set of levels, small torque wrenches with an assortment of hex and standard bits, and some other generic tools one could find in most garages.
The build starts with a table of parts. In my last post you can get a full rundown of specs on each build part. To get the ball rolling we assembled the action and barrel, put the CB mount on the barrel, and installed a trigger. Once the stock was installed we had a gun that actually was starting to take shape and resemble the final product. At that point we just needed to mount up our scope.
With the scope on we had a fully assembled rifle that was ready to hit the range. Overall the build process was quite easy and went off without any real hitches.
Below you can watch as I document the entire build process and then follow up with the initial firing and a later follow up once I'd put about 400 rounds through the gun.
Thanks for watching and be sure to tune into Part 3 where I'll discuss some of my shooting at competitions and what I've learned in the process that I feel will help me in hunting situations this fall.
Zack Boughton (@zackboughton)